Not for Profit have an obligation to serve others. And, good work, beyond good deeds, deserves tons of media attention. AdventPR is more than a PR agency. We are the steering for change.
At AdventPR, we use the power of words to drive revenue for our most responsible brands. We generate public awareness and media attention for those who are solving society’s most complex issues.

If you think over the process followed by NGOs, you realize that today, the rules of the game have changed. Earlier many NGOs functioned in a very traditional way and, you could say that perhaps, they did not use the apt Public Relations tools for attracting social attention and funds.
Let’s take a little troll to a few common challenges you came across while spreading the good deeds of your organization:
With our in-depth research methodology, we dig out the most optimal opportunities and help you get your story in front of a wider audience.
An expert PR strategy for growth in supporters, donations, and community awareness.
Advent creates a stronger brand presence for you with high value & relevant coverages.
Reach your audience:
We induce the reach by amplifying your initiatives to the right person at the right time.